Explore ways to deepen a direct link to your creative resources and individuality, and positively use this isolated, uncertain time in this mindful art workshop with Bernd Haussmann.
Open to artists working in all visual art forms. This class will meet from 10 a.m.- 12 p.m., break for lunch, then reconvene from 1 - 3 p.m.
"The hardest thing is to really be ourselves. And it is especially true for art. As an artist, sometimes you are there, and sometimes you are somewhere else. Sometimes you are yourself, in moments of awe. And sometimes you realize that you are too much somebody else. And that is an issue in all creative endeavors. Because when you are more somebody else than you are you, then what can you contribute? What might be helpful to yourself and to others? We will work on that riddle together in a practical way, through one-on-one and in a collaborative and nurturing environment - thinking and not thinking. Making and listening; within ourselves, our work, and to others. We will focus on finding ways to improve our connectivity from the idea, to the beginning, into a form, into a finished product. The goal is to get closer to who we are and to make the art we really want. In the workshop we will, amongst other techniques, employ secular, non-traditional, Buddhist-based mindfulness meditation exercises to go along your art practice."